Abstract art  of 

Mary Ellen Neff


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   Born in Milwaukee, WI, USA. Raised in Oklahoma City, OK.  Educated and married in

  St Louis, MO.  Raised a family and painted in Edgewater, MD, for over 25 years.

              Loves to travel and explore around the corner and go past the end of the road.             

  Studio  in Fort Laramie, WY,  USA




Years ago I learned to sail 

 with my family.

We employed the forces of wind 

and current to navigate.

we raced around buoys 

for the pure joy of it.


Art sprang from such experiences 

 a personal vision. 

Manipulating paint is pure joy!


About Encaustic Wax  Paintings They have a special energy, with layer upon layer of wax infused by heating and scraping with tools and brushes. It is an exciting process perfectly suited to the way I build paintings.  In the year 2000 I began using wax as a medium  for my oil paints. Gradually, I  used less oil and mixed dry  pigments into the wax. It adds transparency and luminosity,  but leaves the door open for opaque color sealed within the  layers. A traditionally two dimensional painting seem  three dimensional.



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www.Studioneff.com  www.maryellenneff.com  email studioneff@yahoo.com 
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